Monday, November 18, 2013

Bill de Blasio's Platform

Political figures usually run their campaigns following a philosophy or vision that they think will serve the greater good of the citizens the intend to govern. This is called a platform.

Today you will research Mayor Elect, de Blasio's website to find out more about how he intends to change city policy. Follow the link below, and answer the questions below based on your research of one issue from de Blasio's website.

Once you get to his site, click on the option, issues. Read the list of issues and select one that you are most interested in researching de Blasio's plan.

1. What is the issue?
2. What is de Blasio's solution?
3. What can we infer about de Blasio's philosophy (platform) based on the solution he offers for the issue you selected?

Be prepared to share with the class.

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