Thursday, September 12, 2013

BK History Lesson 4 - 9.12

Aim: What are the questions we can ask that will help us explain how Brooklyn got to be the way it is?

DO NOW: In your notes, make a T-Chart: 

Write your observations and inferences of this image, and a level 1, 2, and 3 question.
Come up with a title for the image.

CORRELATION:   To establish the mutual relationships of different data
DATA:  Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, and calculation

  1. Do now
  2. Do Now share
  3. Introduce next lens: historical
  4. Explain the task:  viewing two historical maps and observing and generating Qs (use Gowanus Canal)
  5. Review Costa’s House and model Level 1, 2, 3 Questions with the map
  6. Students get laptops, handouts, and task to begin
  7. Independent/pair research and question-creation
  8. Stop and share observations as students go along
  9. Write Qs on post-its and stick on Costa’s house
Map 1 Link:

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